Wednesday, July 28, 2010

~Follow up~

I know I have not posted anything in a WHILE. I am gonna try to get things caught up in this post.

Cole is growing soo fast. He is holding his head really good. He does not like to lay down unless its time to go to sleep. He is giggling randomly. Which by the way is soo cute! He loves his bumbo. He will sit up and look around, its so funny to watch him taking it all in. This week he has discovered his feet. He tries to get them to his mouth but he just cant figure it out. We were in the car this afternoon and I saw him trying to pull it to his mouth. In his new car seat he can see them better and he is soo amazed by it.

He just outgrew his infant seat. :( We decided to get a 3 in 1 seat. I love it BUT he cant hold is head good enough to keep if from flopping to one side while we are driving. SO i have blankets stuffed around him and I hold his head some while I am driving. I do that mostly when I am turning. It helps it from flopping side to side. It has been a big adjustment getting him in and out of the carseat. The infant seat/carrier spoiled me LOL. I picked Cole up from the baby sitters yesterday and I was walking down the steps of her back porch and almost fell. I don't know how I caught myself but Cole just looked at me with BIG BLUE eyes and smiled. My heart was on the ground. I just knew I feel with him! It was raining on top of that so it shook me up really bad. (Update sense I wrote the above paragraph: When I got him form the sitters today I tried something different. I did not sit him straight up In the seat. Doing this made his head sit back a good bit so he did not flop around. THANK GOODNESS i figured it out. I was so worried it would end up hurting his neck or something.)

We tried his exersaucer out the other night and he LOVED It. He was trying to take it all in and all he could do was look at me with his eyes wide open and smile. It was a whole different world lol. I put him in it last night and he was playing while I balanced my check book but one of the toys was right in his face and I did not see it. He got to bouncing around and it hit his eye. He cried and I grabbed him up. I felt bad but I know these things will happen. I just hated it. I'm glad it was not major and he did not get a bruise. THANK GOODNESS

I dint know where to begin. Cole is almost 4 months old and things are just getting more chaotic by the day. I know, I know this is just the beginning. He has been sick for the second time since I came back to work and it just breaks my heart. I wish I could stay home and take care of him so he would not get sick. I know I cant protect him from everything but I guess that's the mother in me. I think he is going to have sinus' problems like me. The first time he got sick it was an Upper Respiratory Infection. Last Monday it was a cold and we had to let it run its course. He did not show signs of sickness you could hear the congestion thought and he was coughing and sneezing a lot. The pediatrician said there was nothing we could give him the was FDA approved. Everything had been recalled and it was not safe. The best thing was to let the cold do its thing. SO he is doing better. Hes still congested some but nothing like he was.

Cole is doing something new every day and its like I am missing everything while I am at work. This is hard to deal with because I want to see all of his "1st"!!! I will get over it, I have to bahahahaha. I love him so much.

When the weekends get here they go by so fast. During the week i cant wait till the weekend but then when it gets here its like i still have had no time with Cole. Its never ending. He loves his daddy. Greg can walk in the room and Cole is amazed. I think its the voice because all day he hears women voices and Greg's is so deep. Greg hates his hours cause he hardly gets to see Cole. he makes up for it on the weekend though and it is so nice too. He has gotten to where he will watch Cole so i can go and get groceries. I hate to take him because I worry someone will hit the buggy. people are so mean and will run you over these days.

This blog is long and I am sorry. I have so much to catch up on. Those of you that know me really well know that I have a a bit of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) hahaha. WEll I keep a notebook that has all the bills that we owe for including doctor bills. I cant stand to owe someone money. I break it down into each month and set an allowed $ to pay on that bill. I noticed this week I had not gotten anything from the hospital on Cole's delivery. So I called and they told me that i owed Zero dollars. I was so shocked I still can't process it. Anyways, I decided to call my OB office cause I had paid them a $ amount when I was pregnant. They tell me I have a credit WAHOO! So i should get that sometime at the end of August. I will use that to pay the doctor bills on Cole. This was great news because I did not want to be paying those things when Christmas got here. I wanted to be able to spend on decorations and gifts!!! It is his FIRST CHRISTMAS! lol. God sure heard my prayers. :)

The above news was wonderful considering its been really hard lately for us. Life's unexpected has just been popping up all around us lol. I know it just gets worse but that was a wonderful day for me. I still can't process it bahahaha. Well I see that I am just rambling now so I will end this post. I am sure you are glad lol. I tried to edit this so if it is still rough please forgive me.

Very Tired,
