Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mother of a ONE year old

Cole turned one on April 7th. It was a great day. GG (my boss) made Cole a cupcake for him to eat when we got home that afternoon. I was so excited to see what he would do with it. I just knew it was gonna be everywhere. That day seemed to go by so fast because I stayed busy at work. I had already made plans for my friend Kandi and her girls to come to the house and help make the cookies for Cole's birthday party. I knew he was gonna have so much fun with the girls.

SO we got home and ate and then we sung Happy Birthday to him. He loved it. When he realized that the cupcake was eatable it was It was so funny. Here are a few pictures.

Cole's first birthday party was here in Brookhaven, MS. The theme was baby giraffes. We had it at a local park and we had lots of fun. I learned a lot from this party..It was my first so I stressed over EVERYTHING!!! Those of you that know me are probably laughing at me right now lol. Cole had a great time and he got a lot of gifts. Here are a few pictures from the party...

My sister and two nieces came down to celebrate with us. I enjoyed their visit. I hated to see them go. I don't get to see them as much as I would like to. Here are a few pictures of Hanna, Abi and Cole.

My mother-in-law wanted to give Cole a party in Carthage, MS. This was on Sunday, April 10th. It was at McDonald's and it was very stressful as well lol. I got to visit with friends I had not seen in a long time. Cole was so tired and ill. He only enjoyed the cake and ice are some pictures from the party.

We had a busy weekend but we enjoyed it. I still can't believe Cole is one. This past year has went by so fast. Cole has hit many milestones and is learning new things every day. He was off the bottle before he turned one and is now on whole milk only. He eats table foods now and eats ALL the time. I LOVE my big boy. I would not have it any other way. This has been a wonderful year and I can't wait to see what this year has in store for us.

<3 Kristina