Monday, June 21, 2010

Post Partum Depression (PPD)

Most of you that know me know that I have had some issues with PPD. I was not for sure what was going on until I went to see my OBGYN after we came home from the hospital. I was never violent. I was just so emotional and was not for sure why I even wanted to have a baby to begin with. It was probably all the emotions of being a new parent plus other things.

So when I went to the doctor I was put on Zoloft. I could tell by the end of the week that I was feeling better. Much better! Well, i decided a week ago that I wanted to see if I was able to get off the Zoloft. The nurse told me how to ween myself off it. So I just finished week one and let me tell you I have had a headache every day. I hope this week is much better.

I can tell that I feel fine. Other than the headache that is non stop. I am more comfortable with motherhood. I am able to get up and get the day started. I thought it would be so hard but after a day or two its just habit. I love Cole with all my heart and would not change a thing. I had a wonderful experience with my pregnancy and birth. I just could not believe that I was having these thoughts and feelings. I am so glad now that I am better. I love coming home to a face that is so full of sunshine. He brightens my day no matter what is going on!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Cole's First Day at Church

We went to Church for the first time since I had Cole. I was so excited to take him. we got a few pictures of us. I was nervous because we had not been in a while and I was not familiar with the ladies that work in the nursery. He did good though. He got a little fussy but he took his bottle and they put him in a bouncy that had lights...he loved it. So, we have to get him one like that lol.

As soon as big church was over I almost ran to check on him. All I could thing about during church was how he was doing. He was fine and I was glad. Everyone just loved him. :)

Life and the unexpected

I know I am behind on blogging. Lets just say that LIFE as been crazy! June 9th Greg came home and started cutting the grass. I have always asked him to move my car when he cuts grass. He did not this time. So the next morning I go out to crank my car and put Cole's bags in my car. I shut the passenger front door and I hear glass falling. I then realize that my window is SHATTERED! So I calmly go back in the house and get Cole and put him in his car seat. I called Greg and asked him if he realized he did it. He said no that he would have said something if he did. We said a few words and then got off the phone. I was upset but not really mad because I knew that he did not do it on purpose or mean to do it at all. So there was no reason to be mad and argue about it.

So I was gonna take his truck BUT our lawn mower is a piece of crap and he had taken his truck battery off to put on the He did not put it back on his truck so I ended up having to drive my car. The window was still in my car, thank GOD I have tinted windows. So I had to drive slow and the baby sitter lives on a really rough road(s). We made it and I got it replaced that day. I am glad that is all that happened. It could have been worse. Here are some pics of the window in my car:

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Cole has become so alert these last few days. He is awake more and smiles more. It is so amazing to look back over the last two months and see how far he has come. I just can't believe how much he has grown. I can see it now that i have been back at work for two weeks. Greg kept telling me before I went back to work that he is bigger but because I was with him all the time I could not see it. I do now. He's not FAT just long and heavy. He can still wear some newborn clothes but they are getting short on him. We are gonn have to go to size 2 diapers before long. I am trying to finish the size 1 bag we are on now.

He is still eating 4 to 6 ounces with cereal. He is not a fussy baby and if he does get fussy it usually means he is sleepy. I have been able to tell his cries for a while now but Greg is able to tune in most of the time and be able to tell what's wrong with him. Its so funny. Greg still gets so nervous with him. I know he's not here much but he does try to make up for it on the weekends. This morning he got Cole and let me sleep in. It was so nice. They had Daddy and Son time for several hours. Greg even got to change Cole's MESSY diaper, I was suprised he did not wake me up LOL!

I love when I pick him up from the sitters. I hold him and he just smiles so big. He is so excited to see me. It is the high light of my day every day!!!


**Cole's two month shots**

June 2, 2010 at 3 pm Cole was scheduled to get his two month old shots. I was not excited about this because Greg had found out he was not gonna be able to get off work to come and help me. So I had to put my big girl pants on and do it myself! HA HA. So here goes...

I got off work at 2 and went and got Cole from the sitters. We got to the doctor office and it had just stopped raining, thank goodness because I was worried he'd get sicker if he got wet. We got inside and I signed him in. They called his name and I went to the window. The receptionist asked me what he was there for???...I replied: his 8 week shots! She asked me if I had his appointment card because he was NOT in the system to be seen today! So I was very frustrated and went and dug in my purse. I am so glad I had not cleaned it out or put his card in with all his stuff I am going to do his scrapbook with! I took it to the window and she said OK we will be with you soon! Well I took a deep breath and called Greg. He was pretty mad! I was beyond mad but was gonna wait and see what happened!

So about 30 minutes later Cole was called back and the nurse we always get was there. I love her, she is sooo sweet! So that made me feel better about the appointment situation. She weighed him and measured him. He was doing so well. He weighs 12 pounds and 11.5 ounces, he is 24 inches long, and his head is 38.5 cm around. He is right on track with his milestones! That was GREAT news. He is in the top 10 (out of 100) with his height and the top 25 (out of 100) with his weight. I was so excited. So then she said that his doctor would be in soon. So we waited and Cole was so happy.

Dr Braden came in and he checked Cole's lungs and his head and his eyes and all that and said he looked good. He answered some of the questions I had and then he held Cole. It was so cute. Cole sat with his head up looking at me like :look at me mommy! LOL. Dr Braden kissed on him and told him he was gonna have to join the world of shots today and he smiled at him. He said the nurse would be in soon to give him his shots.

My adrenaline started pumping because I just new that Cole was gonna scream. I could just remember the scream he let out when we went to the ER and he got that rocephine shot! I was so worried. So the nurse came in and she was so sweet. I did not have to hold Cole and I was so glad to. She gave him the stuff that he has to drink first and he sucked that stuff down. He did not even get it on him and she was laughing. She said most of the time its everywhere. So he must have liked it lol. b She laid him on the table and she laid over his mid section. He was half way asleep by this time so the first shot did not really phase him. The second and third ones were bad. He cried and sucked on his pacy so hard. He had one tear that rolled down his cheek. It was so sad but I knew it was for the good. I got some pictures for his baby book. I know it seems horrible that I was taking pics while he was getting stuck but its all part of life. He will have many more to come.

He did so good. He never ran fever he was just a little fussy for a few days but other than that he seemed fine. I was so glad too. We go back August 16th for his 4 month old shots. Gosh time is flying by. Hes getting so big!

Here are some of the pics I took during his visit:

Waiting to be called back

Waiting on the nurse

Soo happy

Drinking that stuff

First shot

Second shot

Third shot

Poor baby!!!

After we got home..all the nurse had was pink band aids :)

I am so glad that was over...I know it will be here again soon!
