Sunday, May 23, 2010

~Back to REALITY~

My time at home has come to an END! I will go back to work tomorrow. Reality hit me today and I got all emotional! I already miss Cole and he's just in the other room asleep. I wish I could stay home with him forever but we can't always get what we want. I hope I manage at work tomorrow. Maybe I will be occupied enough to make it go by fast so I can go get him ASAP!

Cole will be 7 weeks old Wednesday and I am amazed at how big he is getting. He's still little but I noticed today that his clothes are not long enough for him lol. Hes so long. He is already taking 5 to 6 ounces in formula and has been on cereal for 3 and a half weeks. GOSH hes gonna be a chunk by the time we go for his shots on June 2nd.

Well Its time to go to bed, 5:30 will come early. Wish me luck and pray for me.


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