Monday, May 17, 2010

This and That

Thursday was the Canton Flea Market. I was suppose to get up early and head to Carthage to drop Cole off with grandma (Greg's mom) and go to the flea market. Well I got up late and did not get on the road when planned. So on the way I ran into a flip flop broke!!! So I had to stop in Jackson and run in Target to get flip flops. The problem was I had to rig my shoe just so I could run in and get some...that was so funny!!! WEll then we get on the road and get to grandmas house and I visit for a little while before heading out.

I get the Canton and park and find my friends. We talked and walked and shopped. I had a good time. The whole time I was looking at my phone making sure Greg's mom had not called me :). I called a few times to check in and he was doing good. It was very different considering hes been with me every day for five and a half weeks. It was nice to have a break but I missed him sooo much!


I got Cole a belt (for when hes older) that has his name and the John Deer emblem on it. It is so cute. I got him a onesie that has a bowtie embroidred in it and a bib with a bible verse on it. I got me and Greg some can never have enough of those. By this time I was so tired and HOT!!! Did I mention how hot it was? I wore jeans and a BLACK t-shirt. I was soak and wet!

I headed back to Carthage and visited some more with my mother-n-law. Her and Cole had a good visit. We left and went by Fred's and visit some friends. We enjoyed it but had to get on the road to head home. I was so tired and ready to get in the bed.

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