Thursday, May 20, 2010

The HIGHLIGHT of my day

I had just feed Cole and he was just staring out into space. So i started talking baby talk to him and poking his cheeks. Then all of a sudden he smiled at me. This was so overwhelming I just laughed so hard and he was smiling bigger at me. I had tears in my eyes and was so excited. I got a few pictures on my cell phone but they dont justify the moment.

So I called and told Greg about it and he was happy. So when Greg got home I went to change Cole. I called Greg in there and told him to watch that I was gonna get Cole to smile. So I started talking the baby talk and he just smiled...Greg was so excited just like I was. It has been the best moment ever and thats why its the HIGHLIGHT of my day. I love Cole so MUCH!!!

I love this little guy so much. I am so glad I did not miss this moment!!!

~The happiest mom in the world~

1 comment:

  1. That is so sweet girl. Nothing can ever compare to that first smile :) He looks so sweet in these photos! I bet both of you were overwhelmed with excitement. So happy for you.
