Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Six week follow up

So today I had my check up. I was not thinking when I made the appointment back when I was pregnant. It was at 7:30 in the morning UGH. So that meant I had to get up at 4:30 and get ready and feed Cole then load the car and leave around 6 to make sure I got through all the morning traffic. It was a long night lol.

So Cole ended up waking up at 3 for a feeding and so I just stayed up. We got to the doctor office around 6:50, thank goodness I missed all the traffic. I changed Cole and we sat in the backseat and I feed him. It was time for a feeding anyways so he was content for the rest of the morning. So then we headed up the elevator and checked in at the office. The nurse came in and we went straight back. Mrs Connie just loved Cole. I was the first patient so I was thinking I would be in and out BUT i forgot that Kay Kay does her rounds at the Suites before she sees patients. So we waited on her and that was fine because Cole was sleeping :).

The doctor came in and we talked and she examed me and everything looks great. I was glad to hear the great news. While we were talking she asked me about my Zoloft I am taking for the PPD (postpartum depression). So she decided I needed to stay on it till September. That was great news for me cause leaving Cole next week is gonna be harder on me. I just wish I could stay home!!! Wishful thinking lol.

ALSO, today Cole is 6 weeks old!!! The time is going by so fast. I cant believe he will 2 months old in a few weeks. He will get his shots. Its so unreal. I mean I have wanted this for so long. Everytime we talked about having kids I had something else that came up and would have to find out what was wrong with me. UGH. Now he is here and I just cant keep up. Going back to work is depressing because I feel I will miss all of his milestones like SMILING. I see him doing it in his dreams but I want to see him do it when I make a funny sound! OH TEARS!

Well I am going to end this post. I hope to post again soon


1 comment:

  1. Glad your appointment went well. I can't believe he is already 6 weeks old either. Seems so unreal :) I hope you make it okay when you have to start back to work. You will have to blog about your first day back. Love you girl!

    PS. Love the new background. And, your picture too!
